Friendship Manor constructed and renovated the Friendship Place Villas in Rock Island, IL. The project constructed three duplexes, one four-plex and one tri-plex multifamily housing facilities. The project included the first-floor renovation of an assisted living complex for memory care.
Friendship Manor is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) that originated from a donation in 1941, of a three-story 12 room home at 805 19th Street, Rock Island. The nursing home was no longer able to meet the State‘s healthcare standards in 1979, so they created a nonprofit, continuing care retirement community called Friendship Manor. The facility has had many additions and incarnations
since then and is open to people of all faiths. The campus includes 130 independent living beds, 70 assisted living beds and a 94-bed nursing home and 13 unit Villas. In 2014, QCREDA issued a $4,000,000 bond that retained 40 jobs.